The Varkain’s stealthy appearance is dominated by darkness. Having built several completely black bikes we prefer to sprinkle a modicum of contrast into the Varkain. Using polished stainless steel, chrome, zinc, charcoal and olive drab plating give subtleness and elegance, creating a distinctive separation from bikes that have been doused in pressure-pack cans of flat black. Look into the blackness and you’ll see multiple finishes ranging from the Matt Charcoal tank and guards, Satin black powder-coated frame, Matt-Black Hi-Temp Engine cases whilst the engine side cases are painted in 2-pack Gloss and hand finished to a mirror sheen.
As with every Raider Custom bike we start with a bare fame; unwanted appendices are removed while strengthening of known weak points are added to bolster handling and longevity. Most builds include replacing older engines with fresh ones form the late 90/s/2000’s. Internal mods are performed along the way before everything is assembled with new stainless steel fasteners and all OEM ancillary parts polished and zinc plated. The assembled engine then receives a cosmetic make-over in black and the cylinder head fins machined to enhance that iconic Yammy thumper power-plant.
In most cases the original CV carb is replaced with a Mikuni TM36. The TM benefits from havin an accelerator pump which, on these big singles, helps to make them jump off the bottom (throttle opening). For exhaust we have used several SuperTrapps, but when asked we also hand-built our own custom systems.
Up top we fit one of our own custom seats, custom gauges, lights, blinkers etc, hand-made looms and regularly deign/build our own LED warning light cluster. Whilst Australian road rules demand a front mudguard, we have our own 2 piece design that allows quick removal of the actual guard, thus allowing that true flat-track naked wheel appearance. The factory wheels are finished in black which accentuate the massive 4.50 Firestone tyres both ends.
Raidermoto Customs are built entirely in-house & basic builds consume in the region of 120 hours, but most take 160 to 200 hours to produce. SR400/500 Varkain’s start at $16k AUD (excluding donor), so they’re not your average SR with a bit of bling.
Raidermoto Custom Bikes are built to exceptional standards and quality – our creations are built for discerning owners who appreciate the elegance and craftsmanship of bygone eras. National and international bike magazines have referred to our builds as “Raider Art”, acknowledgement for the fine detail and meticulous attention to detail that is afforded every project. Our bikes are created for owners who want something truly special, and truly unique, while the Varkain is for those wanting a little ‘dark’ in their lives.
For further information contact Raidermoto on +61 2 66512405
Need shipping? – Raider Moto ships worldwide by air-sea-road & provides full import/export, Customs & Quarantine services for every countryFor further information, shipping, price or provenance inquiry, please feel welcome to contact during office hours on +61 2 66512405, cell +61 423 559656, email, or find us on Facebook
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Need finance? – can provide on the spot approval at better than bank rates to approved Australian customers (Mon – Fri)
International Buyer? – has offices & agents in six Countries
Need shipping? – ships worldwide by air-sea-road & provides full import/export, Customs & Quarantine services for every country
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