1955 Lambretta 125 LD De Luxe



1955 Lambretta 125 LD De Luxw

The Lambretta GP/DL range was designed by the legendary Nuccio Bertone, who was also acclaimed for designing several vehicles for Alfa Romeo, Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Fiat. The Dl & GP models were marque’s final range of classic Lambrettas produced before the company was sold to British Leyland Motor Corporation in 1971.

In most countries, the models were designated DL De Luxe, but for the British market, they were called the GP (Grand Prix) to associate the scooters with Formula One, which was extremely popular and successful in the late 1960s.

Bertone’s new range was shorter with a rectangular headset and slimmer leg shields. It also had black trim and a newly shaped mudguard to make the GP/DL look more sporting. Despite the revised styling, the latest model shared many interchangeable parts with the earlier series III scooters. An ink splat was used as the logo for the DL because it was reported that Bertone once threw down his ink pen in frustration of his designs not being appreciated – the pattern being used as the logo. Still, in the United Kingdom, the GP used a chequered flag.

This particular 125 DL has been beautifully restored and is located with our Italian agent in Spoleto.

Follow the link below to high-res images of this bike.

1955 Lambretta 125 DL

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